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Countdown to the Royal Wedding

Six days more to go...

And the pomp and pageantry of the royal wedding will charm the public...the prancing horses, muffled guns and horse-drawn carriages will mesmerize most of the subjects of Her Majesty once again...

Up to this day, no one ever know what kind of dress Miss Middleton will wear on her big day, though several designers' name popped up in the news since December 2010, none of them confirmed the rumor of being tapped as the lucky couturier . But recent article of the Daily Mail revealed that indeed, it is Kate Middleton herself who is designing her own wedding dress!

According to Daily Mail online, the 5 feet 10 inches woman who obtained her Art History degree at St. Andrew's University, was so excited with the thought of marrying Prince William that she did her own design shortly after the announcement of the engagement in November last year. According to the article, the bride-to-be drew experience from her Art degree and from her short stint as an accessory buyer of Jigsaw, a London-based fashion chain, to create a stunning dream design and brought it to an unnamed designer in London.

The gown is said to be finished now and kept in a secret room of Clarence House, Prince Charles's official London residence. The gown in question, according to Daily Mail, is made up of ivory satin and lace with a pearl button detail and a 10 ft. train created by a not-so-famous designer who owned a small fashion house in London. It was reported also that William and Kate agreed to place the gown in auction after the wedding to benefit several charities they supported including the Prince's Trust.

With just few days before the wedding, sources revealed that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II finally met ,for the first time, Kate's parents, Michael and Carole Middleton. In the past months, the Queen's snub to Miss Middleton's parents had been popularly talked in the media that some Palace insiders were quick to defend that "the meeting will take place as long as Her Majesty is free from commitments". There had been speculations that the monarch, who, many believed, are less enthusiastic to dine and engage in casual conversations with commoners who are not commonwealth ministers, might not set aside a  specific day to meet the Middletons, but due to pressure of being accused as callous and stoic, suggestions might reach the ears of Her Majesty that it would look good if she will invite the two people who would become the in-laws of her grandson.

The meeting was confirmed by a Palace spokeswoman, according to the Daily Mail: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh invited the Middletons over lunch at Windsor Castle to break the ice before the royal wedding and last only one hour as Her Majesty couldn't linger long over lunch". Aside from the royal couple, only private secretaries of the royal household were present in the private meeting, William and Kate were not there not even Prince Charles.

Sources also mentioned that Kate and William paid a visit to the grave of the late Princess of Wales, Diana, at Althorp. Diana's brother, Charles Spencer, the 9th Earl of Althorp, constructed a memorial on the oval garden near a small lake of the estate to make sure her sister's final resting place is safe and secure.

Prince William has been known with his strong devotion to his mother that even beyond her death, he made sure she won't be left out in his big day. He chose the blue sapphire-cut engagement ring, which previously belonged to his mother, when he proposed to Kate and previously planned to live in Kensington after the wedding. The red brick palace was a former home of his mother and shared so many wonderful memories with Diana during his childhood years. But lately, reports abound that the Prince, probably due to high cost of renovation, will share a flat with Prince Harry at Clarence House, when he and Kate are in London. Prince Harry also commented in one interview that surely their mother will be in their thoughts on the wedding day.

With just days away from the wedding, Kate Middleton made the most of her freedom by shopping for two days at different budget stores in high street, London, to buy some  wardrobe and accessories, which speculated to be items she would bring on the honeymoon. But what puzzles other observers is her dreadfully shrinking weight. Though it is common that brides are desperate to trim down few inches to look gorgeous wearing their fabulous bridal gown, most people expressed concern over her unattractive weight loss which  made her looked like  a diet sucker and anorexic. Her ribs are showing prominently while her muscles around arms and legs are protruding, she looked too skinny and malnourished and appeared like suffering from an eating disorder.
 Her physical appearance before
Now this is her latest physique, a complete shocker

Days ago, it was revealed that the bridal entourage undergone a wedding rehearsal at Westminster Abbey but did you know that Prince William was not there? How can that be?? Members of the entourage were all present except the groom, according to several sources, Kate understood William's absence and seemed happy with the rehearsal. The Prince was on-duty at his Anglesey barracks. Why he didn't file a leave of absence from his job to join the rehearsal? Was it a bad omen?

In the British royalty, any senior male members who are set to marry will be given a title of a Duke which will be conferred by the Queen, but up to now, there's no confirmation on the news if Prince William will be created a British Duke. He was Knighted by his grandmother in 2008, thus carrying an honor of a  Knight Garter (KG). There were suggestions to make him Duke of Strathern, Duke of Sussex or Duke of Clarence but so far, the Palace officials never confirmed such suggestions.

Contrary to the public's naive belief that she will be called Princess Catherine, creating a Princess status is not part of the tradition of the British monarchy. While other European royal houses automatically created a wife of a Prince a Princess in her own right, in Great Britain this is not the case. When Lady Diana Spencer married Prince Charles in 1981, the Palace Press Office immediately informed the public that the newly created Princess of Wales should not be called Princess Diana "Addressed her as Princess of Wales but not Princess Diana because she was not born a Princess".

Kate Middleton might be called Princess William after the wedding but not Princess Catherine, creating a title is always at the pleasure of the monarch under a Letter Patent issuance, failure to pass under this process is considered unofficial and invalid, in the history of British monarchy, no wife of a British Prince was created a Princess in her own right except Princess Alice of Gloucester, wife of Queen Elizabeth II's uncle, Prince Henry, the Duke of Gloucester. If William will be created Duke of Clarence for example, then Catherine will be called Duchess of Clarence but not Princess Catherine.

Kate Middleton has only six days left for his carefree and unstructured lifestyle. The moment she walked-down-the-aisle in the arms of Prince William, the palace doors be invisibly closed around  her and the freedom she possessed once will be part of her "thing of the past"'. According to Jan Moir of the Daily Mail: "Shopping, clubbing with friends, roller disco nights, drinking and dining with friends, will all be gone. Never again will she skip down a city street with such a blithe spirit, her days of being just another face in the crowd will be long, long gone, As the gates clang shut behind her, what on earth does the future hold for Miss Middleton of Bucklebury?

Hope her strong determination to marry Prince William and the mastery she did on gripping the Prince  tightly for the past eight years, will help her surpass the difficult life of being a royal family recruit.

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