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With less than 2 days to go until the Royal Wedding...

What's the latest news?

At around 2am (GMT) this morning approximately 1000 British soldiers from the RAF, Navy, Household Cavalry, and the Army (some of whom have served with Prince William) took part in a dress rehearsal. 

The rehearsal followed the planned Royal procession route culminating at 5am with the Rolls Royce phantom in which Kate Middleton is expected to travel in on her way to the ceremony, pulling up outside Westminster Abbey. Later on, seven RAF pilots rehearsed the fly-past in the sky above London. 

There is a full dress rehearsal expected tomorrow, the day before the Royal Wedding, which will take place in Westminster Abbey and involve the whole of the wedding party except Kate, William and the Royal Family. 

A music rehearsal is taking place in the Abbey today, which has been closed off now to the public. And, Kate and William are expected to run through a dress rehearsal at Westminster Abbey later on today but it is not yet confirmed.

The public have already started pitching their tents along the main procession route with some of the people having camped out since Tuesday just to ensure they secure one of the best viewing positions. 

Elsewhere, it has been rumoured that Alexander McQueen maybe the designer behind the Royal Wedding dress (we'll update you further on this). Whilst others have been more concerned with Kate's hairdo, with speculation that she will be wearing it up instead of down after she was spotted today with it uncharacteristically tied up.

Finally, there has been some speculation that Prince William personally snubbed Tony Blair and Gordon Brown by ensuring they both were not invited to the Royal Wedding. In contrast two past Tory leaders, Sir John Major and Lady Thatcher were invited. 

It is no secret that Prince William is not a big fan of Tony Blair after he made political capital out of the death of his mother and Gordon Brown may have just been a victim of convenience as the Palace's official line on it is that neither Tony Blair nor Gordon Brown are Knights of the Realm. They could hardly invite one without the other, could they?

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