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The Metropolitan Police talk about Royal Wedding security

Anyone attempting to disrupt the royal wedding on Friday will face a "robust" response, the Metropolitan Police has said.

Some 5,000 officers will be on duty to ensure the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a "safe, secure and happy event".

Commander Christine Jones, who will be overseeing the police operation, said there was no specific known threat. However 60 known troublemakers have been banned from London on the day.

"We would be wrong not to consider spontaneous protest as part of our contingency planning. But let us make it absolutely clear - this is a day of celebration, joy and pageantry. It is a fantastic day for Britain," she said.

"Any criminals attempting to disrupt it, be that in the guise of protest or otherwise, will be met by a robust, decisive, flexible and proportionate policing response."

Assistant Commander Lynne Owens added that although plans were in place to deal with any disruptions, police cannot ban demonstrations from taking place in the capital.

She confirmed that Muslims Against Crusades had planned to protest outside Westminster Abbey and were due to meet with police last week to discuss conditions but had failed to turn up.

The radical cleric Anjem Choudary is  apparently still planning a protest on the day of the Royal Wedding, despite being banned from demonstrating near Westminster Abbey.

But now the cleric has confirmed two of his group's supporters plan to meet police on Thursday to renew efforts to conduct a protest as close to the Royal procession route as possible.

Although senior officers denied permission for a demonstration near the Abbey, they have little in the way of powers to stop protests elsewhere London.    

Police fear the possibility of disorder, as rival protest group the English Defence League has already warned it will hold a counter-demonstration should the Muslims Against Crusades protest go ahead.                                                                       

As well as the Royal Family, 50 heads of state are attending the ceremony, which it is anticipated will be watched by up to two billion people on television. There will be 70-80 close protection teams for VIPs on the day.

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