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Multichain necklaces

Be prepared to get fabulous.....

I love this necklace. I know what you are thinking, its gorgeous but how do i get it??

i haven't had a chance to go out looking for stores that stock these  (and i promise you I will pretty soon,) however, I can let you in on a secret, very simple indeed.. if you look closely you will see that you can actually make your own piece. Simply buy as many red beaded necklaces as you can, (this will set you off anywhere between 20 to 100 ksh per piece) collect links from the old necklaces you have and link all your necklaces up!! simple, innit?!

you can even make it multicoloured...

or in this season's hottest colour...

more necklaces i liked..

So what do you think, do you already own a multichain neklace?? If not are you gonna indulge??

let me know your thoughts..

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