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5 months

Alhamdulillah now dah 5 months already...

firstly i want to congratulate amy, hanie and nadiah...alhamdulillah semua dapat baby girl yang sihat and sgt comel....

ok pregnancy update....ramai orang advice for me to jot down somewhere, because after the baby is born, nanti lupa dah the preganancy experience...so hear goes...

muntah finally stop at 20 weeks...alhamdulillah so far since then tak muntah lagi..but last week i did muntah when i drank air kelapa...hmmm....so i've concluded that no matter what i still have to be carefull, because my body will reject certain things that i eat/drink....

well the best part of my pregnancy happened at week 17, alhamdulillah it was the first time i felt the baby kick...now dah macam everyday routine...when the baby kicks, i feel happy, then i know baby is ok...actually that is one part i miss about muntah2...because when i was nausea, i knew baby was ok..now doc says inshaAllah if the baby kicks then the baby is fine...when tak rasa fetal movement after a few days then i should be worried... InshaAllah i hope nothing will happen to the pregnancy, and May Allah swt gives all of us an easy and pleasant pregnancy.ameen...

also alhamdulillah because i'm feeling better, now can go holiday with hubby..in my first trimester hari tu we went holiday, i couldn't enjoy it because asyik muntah je...

The last 2 weeks, i went to penang 2 kali hehehe..the 2nd time, habibs aunty bawak us makan at teluk tempoyak...hmmm very very yummy...tapi because duduk dalam kereta lama sgt, i got my first edema attack...keluar kereta je, kaki terus bengkak..aiyohhh dah mula dah kaki bengkak2....inshaAllah if all goes well next week pergi langkawi pulak...

oh ya, today i went to fabulous mum, the clearence is ok, but the best part is they are selling BUMBO at a very cheap price RM 105, if with tray RM 125(original price around RM250) so girls anybody that is interested, please go tomorrow because that is the last day of the warehouse clearance.

also lastly now baby bump dah besar sikit dah...baju normal all dah tak boleh pakai, nasib baik i have very kind sisters alhamdulillah, yang gave me all their maternity clothes, so there is no need for me to buy alot...

p/s: after we all survey byk2 peg perego stroller, the cheapest is at "The first few years" at the curve...so surprising, its RM 200 lagi murah from all the online shop...bukan online shops should be cheaper because they don't have to pay rent ke???

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