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Hi precious readers,

I would like to thank all people who visit my site. I appreciate all of you and your comments.

In this post, the theme is blue and retro. I think the half jacket
I'm wearing gives the retro vibe and considering how old it is, that
vibe is pretty much authenitic.

posing for these photos was fun and made me feel like a pro model, which I am, for my blog anyway. I hope you like em..

what's the deal with the water dispenser?? That was my way of styling the shoot and I felt it complemented the blue outfit.


love these blue shoes, they are so cute.


I wore a pearl necklace around my wrist. Remember the time I wore a purple belt as a bracelet?

I believe everyone one is entitled to their own opinion so whats yours? Gimmie feed back..

In other news, expect a DIY post coming soon. I will be posting on how to weave a long necklace into a chunky bracelet..

I thought I'd share a joke I found hillarious, this is easily my best joke, funny every time.

woman got on a bus holding a baby. The bus driver said, “That has got
to be the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen!” In a huff, the woman slammed
her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of the
bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked
her what was wrong "The bus driver just insulted me!” she fumed. The
man sympathized and said, “Hey! He’s a public servant and he has no
right to insult the passengers.” "You’re right!” she said. “I think you
should go back up there and give him a piece of your mind.” The man
said. “Here, I'l hold your monkey for you!”

!!Happy holidays everyone!!



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