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Emma k chocolates

One of the vendor that i belum mention regarding my wedding is Emma K.

we hired them to do our wedding favors for me and my sisters wedding reception..MashaAllah i can say i was very very happy with their service. Trust me girls, they were very professional. at first I went to their butique at Bangsar village 2 to inquire about the chocolates and quotation. and then they said come back 1 month before our wedding.

so 2 months(because i rasa 1 month last minute sgt) before the wedding, i went to bangsar village 2, tgk2 the kedai dah tutup...OMG we really panicked because i really didn't have plan B. we went home went straight to the website, and called them. and then the Kakak said, ohh we have moved to empire at subang jaya but their main office is still in damansara perdana. so we went to damansara perdana office, choose our design and within 10 mins they gave me a mock up design of the wrapper and the thank you tag that i wanted. yes, believe me when i say they are very professional mashaAllah. and balik showed my parents, they were happy, terus we paid booking fee. 

and true enough as they promised, 1 week before the wedding day, the chocolates dah siap.

now most of you must be worried about price right?? trust me it's not as mahal as everyone think it is.... they charge me RM 3.xx for one chocolate bar. Chocolate is by cadbury, + custom made thank you tag and emma k elegant wrapper design. 

sadly our photographer tak ambil the pictures of the wedding favors :( tsk tsk...and by 3pm all the chocolates dah habis, all the guests yang datang lambat semua tak dapat. we pun miscalculated, we expected 800 guests, but 1200 came (nasib baik the hotel had enough food), alhamdulillah.

The ones we ordered was something similar to this but it was in pink and pale gold ribbon



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