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6th month update...

since i'm in my 6th month alhamdulillah, I've decided to compile a hopefully complete list of things that is needed for the newborn baby base on a few list i went through online, and my sisters personal experience. Hopefully tak tinggal apa-apa...hehehe...hopefully i will update it in my next entry
Baby bump at 5 months, nanti hopefully i will update baby bump picture at 6 months pulak..hehe..inshaAllah....

Yes indeed, that is my bump at 5 months....ramai orang commented that is quite besar..but alhamdulillah baby is normal size, i guess it's my keturunan to have big tummmy, because my sister pun stomach big like me but baby keluar 2.8 kgs alhadmulillah.

weight pulak, i have gained so much...a few days ago i did my 6th month check up, i've gained about 11kgs total...but hari tu, masa 1st trimester i lost 5 kgs, so actually kalau ikut original weight i've only gained 6kgs. but still dalam 8 weeks to gain 6kgs is very fast..

ohh and guess what.....

The funny story is that, during my 4th month and 5th month check up, every time the doc check, the baby is in shy position, and somehow the Dr. could not see the "little birdie".  so he would say, ok, maybe you are having a girl, we will confirm again next month...but me being me, of course i dah tell my family all excited we are having a girl..hehhee....

but finally at our 6th month check up, ohh he was is a beautiful position where we saw the "little birdie" very clearly..hehehe...so the doc said, this time if wrong, doc will give me free labor/delivery...hehhee...but it was pretty clear though...so inshaAllah i hope we have a nice healthy and pleasant baby boy...

as for my pregnancy update...now slowly i cannot sit or stand too long, then my kaki will start bengkak sikit...if jalan-jalan the its ok.... but kalau duduk je lama2 mmg sakit...the other thing is now, cepat sgt i feel panas...its so funny sebab dulu i dont like aircond and sejuk-sejuk

also because my stomach is a bit besar, sleeping pun is getting a bit uncomfortable. i need pillows everywhere...kalau tak my skin feels so stretched and sakit...

i still have my nausea, esp when i drink something wrong. hari tu i wanted to start drinking soya bean, but somehow everytime i minum, i muntah, even after drinking Non-GMO organic soy bean also muntah. plain water pun somehow i still cannot drink. so now i'm just drinking zam zam..alhamdulillah nasib baik musim haji, so very easy to get zam zam...its a bit mahal to buy, but for my baby boy, inshaAllah its all worth it....

so i guess, mmg i'm just one of those mum-to-me yang nausea sambung throughout my pregnancy...my first sister stop at 7 months, and my 2nd sis pulak the whole 9 months pun still have nausea...but i can tell you all one thing, after 4 months the muntah is really not that bad, you just muntah after that can preceed and makan all over again... appetite mmg ada...not like in first trimester, muntah is so teruk that you just cannot eat or drink anything after that...

but other than all the typical small dugaan of pregnancy...i love my baby bump so much...everytime i will ask hubby did my tummy get bigger, i'm just so excited mashaAllah...i know i always pegang-pegang my stomach...hehehe...and my fav part is of course the baby kicking..now the baby kick so much (boys will be boys), I always put the remote control on my tummy, so my anak sedara can see the remote moving when the baby kicks..hehehe...they get so excited mashaAllah...

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