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hmmm it's time to survey baby stuff....

oh i realise it's been soooo long since my last entry.....hehehe....

well first of all, Alhamdulillah i'm in my 2nd trimester now...

first trimester...hmm was very challenging, somehow I was one of those unlucky ones...my morning sickness was rather bad...actually i was feeling sick, vomiting and nausea all day long...at one time it became so bad, i was sooo dehydrated sampai kena admitt to the hospital for drip....I started muntah from week 6, and sambung sampai week 16...only the last 3 weeks muntah dah reda...so far once a week je muntah...only if i betul2 eat something wrong....

but no surpirse actaully....my whole family from my grandmother to my sisters semua pun went through bad morning sickness, so Alhamdulillah i had a lot of support from my family....

Alhamdulillah now i'm feeling a lot better....so yes, now of course it's time to start surveying for baby things....

the other thing that i want to be thankful for is actually, on baby stuff...i have mashaAllah generous sisters that are willing to share with me so many things, that i can cancel half of the things that i need to prepare for the new born baby nanti ...inshaAllah.....

ok first survey that i would like to share on is baby stroller...for myself, because i have experience taking care of my anak-anak sedara, so my survey is more on my personal experience...

1) the stroller has to be light weight ; yes it's ok if our husbands are around all the time to help us carry the stroller, but in reality of course that is not the case....hehee...my maximum limit is 10kgs..anything heavier that that is a no no....and the weight has to be balance jugak..i have to make sure, when i carry the baby out, the stroller cannot topple, if i have my diaper bag at the handles...yes girls, some stroller ringan sgt sampai it can topple when you carry the baby out , if ada beg sangkut dekat the handle...

2) is has to be able to accommodate from new born to 3/4 years old ; For me it is very important that the stroller boleh recline full sampai baring position...while many assumes that full recline is only for newborn, but i can tell you now even when they are 3 years old, the full recline is useful for when they want to sleep while you are busy shopping or makan..hehehe...a happy sleeping baby/toddler = happy parents to shop with peace of mind...

3) it has to fold, umbrella fold ; the folding is very important so you have a lot of boot space in the car....sometimes me and my sisters all go out together..believe it or not, we will bring 3 strollers with us...nasib baik all the stollers folds very well & slim, so we can fit them comfortably in the car boot....

4) i have to be able to fold the stroller with 1 hand ; this criteria is actually very very tricky......byk stroller umbrella fold, but not many yang can fold with 1 hand...the rest all kena baringkan the stroller on the floor first, then carry it up....while some people don't mind this, but to me this folding method is very very very important....sebab mashaAllah senangnya when it folds with one hand, so you dont have to bongkok your back so much to carry the stroller to masuk the car boot...

5) it has to be a 4 wheeler ; while i  know its a trend now to have a 3 wheeler, but for myself i'm very old school...hehe..i like 4 wheelers..sebab  they fold smaller, and the most important thing, because it has 4 wheels, the lebar of the stroller is smaller then the 3 wheelers...3 wheelers kena lebar, to keep balance to the stroller...u see if the stroller is lebar, it is very hard to maneuver around the shopping malls, and grocery store, wedding halls and esp restaurants..leceh nanti langgar sana-langgar sini, kesian k.......and the most important thing is that, 4 wheelers are cheaper than 3 wheelers....

hehehe...so far, those are my top criteria in buying a stroller...and of course having said all these..i only have 1 brand in mind...heheh...and the winner is

During those years that i jaga babies full time...i manage to guna peg perego, Mclaren, bugaboo and maxi-cosy/quinny combo...my fav. is definitely the peg perego stroller....

here i've uploaded a youtube video, then you will know what i mean by 1 hand folding....

so yes inshaAllah this is the stroller that i want to get...but not now, i nak tunggu beli masa 6 months pregnant nanti inshaAllah sometime in December...hopefully there are some good year end sale so i can buy it with a good bargain....

till my next survey...hehehe....



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