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Fashionista Orie Rogo Manduli

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name Orie Rogo Manduli?? Head gear!! This lady is well known for her elaborate head wrap; heck these items of clothing are synonymous with her name, manduli. Say you went to your tailor in need of a headdress but found you had trouble explaining to her (or him) exactly what you wanted, simply throwing in the name manduli would clarify all details.

Orie Rogo manduli spotting a red headdress.

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She is one woman filled with life and her prescence is a force to reckon with. Every time I see her on T.v im always jazzed by her flamboyance. Hate if you must but she is who she is and her confidence can not be punctured.

I met this lady once. It was back when I was still in high school. On a certain evening on our way back to school from a funkie (school function). Our school bus took us to Kenchic Street, this had become a tradition after funkies. We were there to buy fries and other fast foods that we craved so much at the time.

Only a few girls were allowed out and the rest stayed in the bus and sent the few with their orders. Of course I was among the few. We walked into one of the numerous joints ( I cant remember which one exactly- I think Sanford) and what we saw was unbelievable.

Orie Rogo manduli, in the flesh glamour and all. Wow! She was a sight to behold, her utter elegance was undeniably on point. What the hell was she doing this side of town??

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After the excitement wore off (of course we were excited, we were in high school, this was as exciting as it got.) we headed to the counter and placed our orders. Soon after Orie stood up, she was leaving the café, but was unaware of what awaited her.

No sooner had she set foot outside the café than a hoard of girls rent the air with their screams and shouts hollering at her. It was a scene straight out of a red carpet event.

Knowing Orie, it goes without saying that she was enjoying all the attention. The girls were allowed out for a meet and greet session (some took this very rare opportunity to look for boys.)

It was the third term of the academic year and so cameras were allowed in school. Everyone was eager to take photos with this legendary lady but not before she could touch up her make up. She whipped out a mirror and lipstick and smack! She even gave us a tutorial on how to apply lipstick right down to the smacking of the lips.. Anyway click click cameras flashed away as we posed and posed some more for photos of this memorable day. She then dished out some business cards and bla bla bla we were back in prison, oops school.

And that is the day I will never forget (How many marks do you think I would score if this was a composition?? I’m thinking 38/40 he he..) :) :)



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