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This law stated that descendants of King George II should seek the sovereign's permission before she/he can proceed to marriage and that permission must be declared first in the council. This is especially referred to descendants inlisted in the line of succession to the British throne. Those who would not seek permission or would not permitted by the monarch to marry will be excluded in the line of succession and consider their marriage in Britain as null and void and any children born in that marriage will be considered illegitimate. The Church of England won't perform marriages among divorces, and royal family members who wish to marry again in the church rites opted to marry outside England, Princess Anne walked down the aisle again with Navy Commander Timothy Lawrence at Crathie Church at their Balmoral Estate in Scotland were remarriage among divorces are allowed.

This law was established to prevent the catholic descendants of James II from acquiring the British Crown. After the death of the last Stuart Monarch Queen Anne, the act of settlements took effect which stated that "Only protestant descendants of Her Excellence Princess Sophia of Hanover could inherit the throne of the United Kingdom, all her descendants regardless of country of birth will be automatically acquire a British citizenship". Princess Sophia was the great granddaughter of King James I of England who married the Prince of Hanover. Unfortunately Princess Sophia predeceased Queen Anne, so her son Prince George ascended the British throne as George I.

This law is punishable by death through execution of the sword (a public execution mostly done in the Tower of London). Anybody who betray the crown either by revolt or by behavior is charged of this act. This includes the adultery with the wife of the King to insure legitimate heirs. Two of King Henry VIII's six wives were sent to the scaffold for misconduct, the supposed lovers of his second wife (Anne Boleyn, the mother of Queen Elizabeth I) and his fifth wife Catherine Howard were executed also.

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