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Prince William Wedding | Prince William Wedding Date | Prince William Wedding Plans | Prince William Wedding News

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Kate and William first met in 2001 at the University of St. Andrews. At the beginning of undergraduate courses in art history, as they were on. Williams, but later changed to geography. Over time, they and their friends, together sharing the accommodation. College of William and Kate throughout the conflict, that's life. When exposed to the public image of skiing in Switzerland. People are always of October from a commitment to assume that he was released.

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Prince William and Kate, we all gave a dazzling engagement ring, sapphire ring from his mother Princess Diana. It is the first time since her death as a memorial to Prince Harry hold elections first. It is the son of someone using it that it was involved in the first week or captured. Sapphire is a symbol of heaven, two sons and a beautiful ring has a deep emotional bond. Some people thought that the burden of the past and the Ring, Prince William, would have chosen a different feeling that others marks a new beginning. Do you agree?

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Perhaps Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, is a direct route. I deal with such a big crowd. Matrix, so Buckingham Palace after the mall, making their way down, and then pass Archand naval authorities. After passing the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the royal procession arrived.

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