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Today is March 29, 2011, exactly one month before the royal wedding of Prince William, though I resented Kate Middleton, I couldn't completely strike her out from my blogposts since, whether I like it or not, sad to say, she will going to be the wife of the most important royal member of European monarchy.

Talking about the royal wedding, it was mentioned in the report earlier that Middleton and the Prince, will travel in a separate state cars all the way to Westminster Abbey on the day of their wedding. The state cars they will be using are part of the state cars collection of the British royal family which include Bentleys, Rolls-Royces and Daimlers. 

The wedding processional route, which is an integral part of the pomp and pageantry of the royalty, will run from Westminster Abbey to Parliament Square down to White Hall, there will be a Horse Guards parade before The Mall all the way to Buckingham Palace where the traditional reception will be held hosted by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
Prince William's parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales, following their wedding ceremony at St. Paul's Cathedral in 1981, riding in an open carriage, a 1902 State Landau, which will also carry William and Kate after the wedding

After the ceremony, the couple will ride in a vintage 1902 State Landeau which echoes important history since it is the same state carriage that carried Prince William's parents in July 29, 1981 after their wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral. The Landeau was originally built for King Edward VII. It was also used in July 1986 by Prince Andrew, the Duke of York (younger brother of Prince Charles) and his bride Sarah Ferguson after their wedding from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.
1902 State Landeau originality built for King Edward VII, son and successor of Queen Victoria, for his coronation, had been used on several state and royal occasions by the British royal family
The State Coach traditionally used by the British monarch for state occasions

Prince William and Miss Middleton's carriage will be followed by Ascot Landau carrying Prince Harry in a separate Ascot Landau will be occupied by the Bride's maids and Pippa Middleton, the maid of honor. The fourth carriage is a semi-state landau carrying the Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and another Semi-State-Landau carrying the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and the commoner parents of Kate Middleton, Michael and Carole.

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