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Future European Monarchs are Girls!

These cute royal tots will one day be Queens of their respective countries.

By a strange twist of fate, European royalty shared at least one common future destiny--female royal house head. Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Norway and The Netherlands have all female heirs. Having both descended from Queen Victoria of Great Britain, these countries are no strangers to female rulers, well, except for Belgium which is always ruled by males since King Leopold I.

BELGIUM (The Royal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha)

Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde and their four children Elizabeth (8 years), Gabriel (6 years), Emmanuel (4 years) and Eleanor (2 years) spent the morning in the Farm De Pierlapont in Loppem (West Flanders) in Loppem, Belgium on July 08, 2010 . 'De Pierlapont' is a working farm where children can grasp an interactive life on the farm. Photo by Reporters/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom
Princess Elisabeth with her younger siblings, Prince Gabriel, Prince Gabriel and Princess Eleanor

King Albert II of Belgium's successor, Prince Philip and his wife, Princess Mathilde have four children, with Prince Gabriel, their second son, as Philip's apparent-heir, but the Belgian constitution changed its law on succession from premogeniture to lineal, making Princess Elisabeth, Gabriel's elder sister as the future Belgian monarch. 

SPAIN (The Royal House of Bourbon-Hapsburg)

Crown Prince Felipe of Spain and his wife Princess Letizia arrive with their children Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia at the school Santa Maria de los Rosales at the start of the school year in Madrid, Spain on September 15, 2010. Photo by Almagro/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom
the adorable Spanish little royals, Infanta Eleanor and her younger sister, Infanta Sofia

In the event that the crown princess of Spain, Letizia, won't provide the Spanish throne with a son, Spain would have a female monarch in the future, Infanta or Princess Eleanor. The Spanish constitution however, did not change its line of succession and remained to be premogeniture, meaning a male heir is always considered an apparent successor.

NORWAY (The Royal House of Oldenburg)
Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Merit, Prince Sverre Magnus and Princess Ingrid Alexandra attend the Molde v Aalesund Norwegian Football Cup Final at Ullevaal Stadium, in Oslo, Norway, on November 8, 2009. Photo by Marius Gulliksrud/Stella Pictures/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

Norways future monarch, Prince Haakon and his children, Princess Ingrid and Prince Magnus

Norway followed Belgium and Sweden on changing its premogeniture succession, making Haakon's first child, Princess Ingrid as his apparent-heir. Luckily for the Prince, the constitution changes will take its effect on the next successor sparing him from edging out in the succesion by his eldest sister, Princess Martha-Louise. Haakon is the second child and only son of King Harald V, a second cousin to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, he descended from Princess Maud, Britain's King Edward VII's youngest daughter.

THE NETHERLANDS (The Royal House of Orange-Nassau)

Prince Willem Alexander, Princess Maxima, Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane pose in Wassenaar, Netherlands on July 5, 2010. Photo by Reporters/ABACAPRESS.COM  Photo via Newscom
Princess Catharina-Amelia with her sisters, Princess Alexia and Princess Arianne

Though The Netherlands has not change its law on succession and remained premogeniture, Prince Wilhelm's children are all females, making her first born daughter, Princess Catharina-Amelia as his successor in due time. Wilhelm is Queen Beatrix's heir-apparent. Interestingly, The Netherlands is ruled my female monarchs since the late part of the 18th century when King William III died without a male successor, his daughter, Princess Wilhelmina took the throne and reigned for more than 20 years. Her successor was her only child, Queen Juliana, Beatrix's mother.

These future monarchs, though still very young, already know their place in the world, tagging along their parents on several public appearances, they know pretty well how to handle pressures in dealing with the people and the media by posing patiently for photo requests flashing their sweet and adorable smiles. They might be future leaders, but their private lives as children remain the same, spending precious time playing with their siblings and parents and of course attending regular day time schools.

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