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Wedding Sand Ceremony Tradition

Your wedding marks the start of your lifetime journey to love and life, which is why a number of traditional union ceremonies are observed during this celebration. Incorporating these practices into your wedding will certainly make it more special and meaningful. However, this does not necessarily mean that you need to squeeze all these practices to your wedding. You only need to choose one. Observing a wedding sand ceremony makes a great choice for does not only involve the new couple but their families as well.

Compared to other unity ceremonies, the unity sand ceremony is a relatively unique idea that makes a great wedding ceremony. It presents a more personalized alternative to the widely observed unity candle ceremony. It is a perfect complement to beach themed wedding, although it may also be observed in the more traditional theme weddings. Observing a wedding sand ceremony may be a first to your family. Hence, it gives you the opportunity to set a new and meaningful family wedding tradition.

In the ceremony, the sand is used to demonstrate the union of the bride and groom. Traditionally, colored sand is used, one color to symbolize the love and affection of the groom and one color for the love and affection of the bride. With that, two separate vials of sand will be prepared. After the exchange of rings, the bride and the groom will come together with their vial of colored sand. Together, they will pour the sand into a colorless vase, symbolizing their unity as husband and wife. The intertwined pattern of the sand created by the color represents their newly formed union. The vases in which the colored sand will be poured symbolize how a marriage can contain all.

One good thing about wedding sand ceremonies is that it can involve the two families, particularly the beloved grandparents. As a sign of giving their blessing to the union, the traditional unity sand ceremony has been modified in a number of ways. In some occasions, the parents of the couple are called on to participate and represent their family with another color of sand. The intertwined sand patterns that they create will then symbolize the couple's as well as their families' newly formed union.

Aside from possibly being one of the highlights of your wedding, the ceremony also gives you a precious keepsake which will remind you of how special your wedding was. It will remind you how deeply overwhelmed and touched you and your partner's family was in your decision to involve them in the ceremony.

Every part of a wedding needs to be carefully planned to facilitate a smooth blending of two families who found new ties. With that, you also need to include your unity sand ceremony essentials to your wedding's shopping list. Traditionally, the ceremony requires a special vase with cover, colored or uncolored sands and two or more sand vials. To make these items double as a welcome accent to your wedding mementos, you may choose to buy intricately painted vases and shaped vials. For your wedding planning's convenience, wedding sand ceremony essentials are now sold in sets.

As the practice of this intimate ceremony becomes more popular, shopping for wedding sand ceremony items and kits is now easier. Wedding websites are now featuring these items. With their comprehensive product listing, comparing the prices and designs of every kit is made easier.

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