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Elegant Romance

Unique Wedding Cake

Two-tiered elegant cake that can be decorated with red fondant ribbon & edible red roses.

White & Orange Wedding Cake

Large square cake with orange roses
Dozens of orange roses set in between each tier symbolize passion and desire. If you opt for a white & orange themed wedding day, this cake is a good choice for you. It represents your passion to make your wedding day special, pure, & sacred.

Beautiful White Cake

Cake by dharmabum60

This white cake accented with fondant calla lilies & topped with rolled fondant bow.

How to Decorate Cake with Fondant

Fondant is very popular material for decorating cakes. With fondant, you can create unique, fun, & magnificent cake. Check out the below video to learn how to decorate cake with fondant.

The Royal Household

Paul Burrell, Diana’s former butler, published a book “A Royal Duty” in 2003 which chronicled his life and service in the royal household. He arrived in Buckingham Palace as an 18 year-old lad to work as under-butler, later on he was chosen to become a personal footman of the Queen. He married Maria, a personal maid of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen's husband. In 1987, Paul and Maria were personally hired by the Prince and Princess of Wales and moved to the Waleses’ country estate in High grove, a 1,100 square kilometers private property of Prince Charles in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England. When the royal couple separated in 1992, Mr. Burrell was hired by the Princess of Wales as her butler in Kensington Palace where he remained loyal until Diana’s death in 1997. The late Princess of Wales described Paul as her “Rock” and “the man she can only trust” aside of course from Prince William.
 Paul Burrell and the late Princess of Wales, Diana

Burrell revealed in his book how the royal household run. Here are some of the details.

The royal household are divided into two groups: The Upper and the Lower Household and each position is as complicated as its role in the lives of the royal family. The upper household is occupied by gentlemen and ladies who are serving the British court as royal equerry, private secretary, press secretary, ladies-in-waiting, women of the bed chamber and governess, these are usually occupied by people born with noble blood or with royal pedigree.

Lower household is occupied by royal servants with plain status, this includes Butler, footmen, hairdresser, personal maids, body guards. According to Paul Burrell, servants in the "lower household"are not supposed to look eye to eye with the royal family members while they eat. While the state dining room is occupied by the royals, servants struggled to make the process of delivering foods-almost ceremonial-in the proper order. The food is delivered to their table in a cue; the footmen who are assigned to serve the food directly to the table usually received the tray from the lowest order of servants normally newly hired footmen. The butler is in charged of the pantry-the area where the kitchen utensils are kept and where the food usually stored. They are directly under the command of the Master of the Household who instructed them with their responsibilities.

Buckingham Palace is an official London residence of the British ruling sovereign and as what Paul Burrell puts it, “a foreign village in the middle of the bustling city of London”. This crown property is run by an organization called The Royal household headed by the Lord Chamberlain.

Below are the top ten important positions and job titles of the members of the royal household.
Private secretary- the most powerful and enviable position in the royal household. A private secretary served as the sovereign’s eye and ear and directly involves in running the monarchy. He made sure, the monarchy appears regal and dignified by protecting the crown from controversies and scandals. In Britain, one of the longest-serving private secretaries of the Queen is Lord Robert Fellowes, a descendant of King Charles II and Princess Diana's brother-in-law (husband of her sister, Lady Jane). The Queen made him a British Baron after his retirement in 1999. The Queen's current private secretary is the Rt.Honorable Christopher Geidt.

Royal Equerry- a courtier who accompanied the King or Queen on official royal tour. The courtiers are responsible in planning and promoting goodwill of the Kingdom, they served as protectors of the Kingdom.

Lady-in-waiting-usually occupied by a woman of noble birth. A Lady-in-waiting functioned as personal assistant of the senior female royals.  Diana's maternal grandmother, Lady Ruth Fermoy, had served at one point as Lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother.

Woman of the Bed Chamber- usually occupied by a Duchess or a daughter of an Earl, she is in-charge of the social engagement of the Queen or the Queen Consort. This is one of the most important positions in the British royal household because it has a direct and regular access to the monarch.
Secretary of the Privy purse- Take charge of the finances of the royal household, including the budget and the bill payments. It is a common fact that royal family members never bring cash or credit cards with them. If they needed something and gone out to the department store to buy or shop, their billing would go directly to the secretary of the privy purse.
Press secretary- Take charge of the news conference and other news -related job in the palace. A press secretary coordinates with the media and responsible for furnishing news papers and magazines with the court circular.
Master Steward-arranged and organized the schedule of the servants, especially the Kitchen servants. Footmen and butlers directly reports to him.

Butler-in charge of the household’s pantry, he usually opens the door and serve the food of the royals.
Valet-personal dresser of a male royal equivalent to a dresser of a female royal
Personal maid-act as a housemaid (fixed the bedroom, run errands) of the royalty.
Hairdresser-female royals’ assistant, preparing their vanity for important engagements.
Footman – stands at the table while the royal family members dined. A footman is responsible of catering the errands of the royal family. The prescribed uniform is a scarlet navy blue tailored suits embossed with the monarchy’s motto and a crest bearing the sovereign’s name it has a matching black cap with gold tassle attached. Long serving footmen usually rode in a carriage with the Queen and her consort and heir during state occasions, tacking a long sword, to signify the ancient tradition of the knights protecting the royal family members.

Personal footman- the Queen usually has her personal footman. It functioned as the sovereign’s personal assistant, catering to all her personal needs from feeding and taking care of her 12 corgis down to the preparation of her meals.

The Lord Chamberlain, Ladies-in-waiting, Royal Equerry/Courtiers, Woman of the Bed chamber, private secretary, press secretary and Secretary of the privy purse are members of the household categorized as privileged. They occupied the highest ranking positions in the palace and they are treated as royalty as well. They have their own dining room covered with crimson carpet and linen clothing. Their food is served in silver wares and usually have expensive wines in their table.

The lower class of servants: Butler, footmen, under-footmen, valet, hairdressers and personal maids usually have their food served in china wares, they are required to wear their medieval themed scarlet uniform while on duty. They are not supposed to be seen by the royal family members working, they should be “invisible”, and if it’s too late to hide, the usual recourse is to face the wall and wait for the royals to pass the area. Royal palaces of Great Britain are not allowed to have alarm clocks, vacuum cleaner should be use after 9:00 am to avoid disturbing the royal family.

The royal family members “wake up” style is as medieval as their traditions, according to Paul Burrell, the servants (usually footmen) will wake up a royal by bringing a fresh brewed tea with digestive biscuit in the bedroom and put in arm’s length beside the table. If the technique has no effect, the next move of the servant is to raise the curtain of the room to flood the area with sunshine.
Members of the royal household's compensation is often less than any ordinary employee received, but these individuals treated the opportunity working in the royal court as a lifetime privilege and the salary they received is merely a bonus. Aside from monthly compensation, they have pensions for retirement and a lifetime grace-and-favor apartment (rent-free) which they would kept even after the royal service.

So that's the life of being a royal servant!

Prince William of Wales: Can he save the British throne?

When Prince William was still a little boy, everybody predicted he would bypass his father, Charles, the Prince of Wales, for the Kingship. The monarchy, apart from being an institution, is a symbol, a mystical symbol greatly portrayed to be magical that binds people and nation together and needed a monarch who can connect well with the masses. Though Prince Charles is very serious with his future role and slowly winning public support after the death of his first wife, Diana, he still needs a popularity machine running on his side. He already disappointed the public by conducting an extra marital affair with another married woman Camilla Parker Bowles while still married to the late Princess of Wales and even thwarted some supporters when he made his mistress his second wife.

Currently, William outshines his father in popularity, though Buckingham palace officials made it clear that the future of the monarchy did not rely on popularity contest, some royalists acknowledged the irony. The courtiers, whose main responsibility in life is to protect the crown and its heirs, are quite aware how the machine of the popularity poll plays significantly in creating or knocking the next ruler. Partly, the throne relies on public approvals. It was the sticking point of King Edward VIII’s fate on the kingship when in 1936 after the brewing issues of divorce and morality, he voluntarily abdicated. Legally, he could remain King and still marry his twice divorce American lover, Wallis Simpson, but this would lose his subjects’ regard and support.

After the polls result and the commonwealth ministers’ verdict that it could be damaging to the throne if he will proceeds in marriage with Mrs. Simpson whom the British people refused to accept as their Queen, the King, who was once considered as the most famous Prince of Wales in British history, gave up the throne and forced to live in exile with Wallis, whom his family despised and dismissively branded as “Edward’s unholy lover”. They married several months later in a simple wedding ceremony in Paris, France, none of the royal family members attended, although, he wanted to invite his closest cousin, Lord Mountbatten, and his 3 brothers including the recently ascended King, the British government discouraged it, as it might attract another controversy. He was created "Duke of Windsor" by his brother, King George VI.

As a direct successor to the British throne, William carries the heavy burden of duty and tradition and simply being an independent person, he could not just choose what kind of life he would take for he knows what prize he would pay if he failed to please his future subjects. He knows also that the public took his mother’s side during her stormy relationship with Charles and embraced her vulnerabilities, a well-written proof that public fascinations always carry a strong impact in promoting good public image and gaining approvals. It is best to note that the Prince is beginning to realize how important it is to have the support of the masses. His social nature added to his glamour and sex appeal, he can walk through the crowd without being intimidated, though there are reports that privately, William is a shy person and resented the media, he gradually overcome it and become gracious and accommodating in front of the camera.

When he was still a small boy, the role of a monarch terrified him that he confided to his mother he does not want to become a King. He fretted lensmen and paparazzi who tailed him wherever he go. At one point while attending his first dance ball at the age of 14, he was nervous and conscious, he later on recalled the event to his mother: "A lot of girls in the party wanted to kiss me but I didn't do anything because cameras are everywhere"(from the book Prince William: the boy who will be king by Randi Reisfeld). The incident made the teen Prince realized how to be more discreet in public. Today, the boy who was once affectionately called by Diana as Wombat, hugged his future role with dedication. 

He devoted his life with various military trainings and took some royal engagements at times, including charity campaigns which made famous his late mother famous. While waiting his destiny, Buckingham palace officials maintained that the popular prince will not bear any independent noble title at the moment, as this might complicate with his future title as Prince of Wales. He will be continually using his father's geographical name(Wales) in all his official documents because as a royal prince he need not have to use any surname. But when needs arise (to use a surname) like marriage entries, he will have to use his family's name Mountbatten-Windsor.

The divorce of William's parents in 1996 further cemented people's claim for Charles' exclusion in the succession. For the world who adored fairytale stories bombarded by Hans Christian Andersen, Wilhelm & Jacob Grimm et al., it seemed that happy ending is prevalent in the continuation of the monarchy. Now all eyes are set for the 28 year-old Prince who possessed all the qualities of a fairytale ruler. The chaos surrounding the throne weighed heavily on his shoulder, he is expected to uphold the mystique of their existence, so "Can he save the British throne from crumbling?"

According to the powerful British media, the handsome eldest son of Diana has all the making of a good king, he has this beguiling personality that drew people closer to him like a magnet. He inherited his mother's sapphire blue eyes together with the Spencer looks, he is well-educated, having been graduated with flying colors at St. Andrews University in Fife, Scotland with a degree in AB Geography with upper-class honors, because of such rare honor distinction he was awarded with a Scottish Master of Arts degree. He is the only British heir and all Commonwealth of Nations and other realms successor to earn such a highest educational attainment. He passed with excellence at the elite Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, England in 2006, he earned his wings at the Royal Air Force unit of British military in Scotland and lately, as as Search and Rescue Operation pilot.

Unlike his father, grandmother and great grandfather who received lessons in the palace with private tutors while still young, William matriculated in the nursery school like a commoner. His mother fought hard with the palace rules to rear William like a normal human being so that he has a better understanding of the outside world. Prince William is slowly steering his future destiny to a different environment in response to the call of times. With the never-ending dilemma on whether the British people would truly accept the future reign of CHARLES III, public opinion in the past revealed that Her Majesty should appoint Prince William as her successor. The survival of the monarchy partly relies on public approvals, the firm (Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh’s term for the monarchy) needed somebody who is acceptable to the British public. Prince William has it all. The only precaution he would take is to avoid the marriage disaster his parents gone through.

He is the current link to the old royal houses of Europe through his father's ancestors Queen Victoria of Britain, King Christian IX of Denmark, Emperor Nicholas I of Russia and through his mother's ancestors King Charles II of Britain and King Henry IV of France and Napoleon Bonaparte. The current crown heads of Europe are all his relatives: King Albert II of Belgium, Queen Magrethe II of Denmark, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden, King Harald V of Norway, King Juan Carlos of Spain and his wife Queen Sophia, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Prince Hans of Leichtenstein and Prince Albert of Monaco. He is also related to at least 2 US presidents: George Washington and George W. Bush through his maternal ancestor, the American billionaire Frances Work, in addition to that his maternal grand father, the late Earl Spencer, was a distant cousin of British war hero and Prime Minister Winston Churchill through their common ancestor the Duke of Marlborough.

With his remarkable pedigree coupled with his charm and sex appeal, there's no doubt that the future reigns of King William V will be a celebration of pomp, pageantry and magic with a golden touch of a modern fairy tale. But while waiting his destiny, the British throne is walking a tightrope of intrigues and controversies. Since the death of Princess Diana and the Queen Mother, the monarchy seems lost its luster and popularity and the once revered crown is facing a difficult period of winning back the trust and adulation of the subjects. British subjects even voiced out their desire for the changing of their constitution and republicans seem are growing in numbers. The question is, can the throne survive? how long will it take before the monarchy revive its magic to the public? What will be the next move of the palace to take back the public fascination they’ve lost. Now, it is time for Prince William to take the center stage for the fairytale to continue.

His story has just began…

Chocolate & White Buttercream Cake

South Padre Island Wedding & Groom's Cake

1st tier: chocolate mocha sour cream cake iced with chocolate mocha buttercream.
2nd tier: butter cake iced with white buttercream.
3rd tier: chocolate mocha sour cream cake iced with chocolate mocha buttercream.
Cake by Mommidy.

Blooms Cake

Three-tiered cake is covered in butter-cream, bordered with satin ribbons, and adorned with bunches of blooms.
wedding cake. yum-my

Photos by allygirl520

How to Make a Simple Buttercream Rose

Commonly, flowers are essential to decorate a cake. One of most popular flowers is rose. An edible rose can be made by piping buttercream. Video below shows you how to make a simple buttercream rose.

Fun Cake

Cake was decorated with fun patterns in bright and contrast colors. Everything, from paper box to ribbon on the top, was made with fondant.

Fresh & Natural Cake

Four-tiered cake is accented with sugar-paste pink roses, pearls, and deep green ribbons. This is a fresh cake with natural color that suits to outdoor party.

Chess Wedding Cake

Check Mate !   Speck-Hopkins

Chocolate cake resembling an 8-by-8 chessboard, with the black king has been checkmated.

Uniform Cakes

The cake was formed by dozens of uniform-sized cakes with a big cake as topper. Each cake was covered with fondant & can be tied with silk or edible ribbon covered with lustre dust.

Marimekko Styles Wedding Cake

Wedding cake pictures by debbiedoescakes.

Shout-out to Marimekko for the inspiration on this cake. Fondant motif was based on two marimekko fashion designs that is simple & bright.

Pink Rose Wedding Cake

It's great to accentuate pink & white wedding theme. Pink roses were used to block every layer of the cake surrounded by rose petals.

White & Pink Themed Cake

Photo by Louisa Morris Cakes.
A simple white cake bordered with pink ribbons, decorated and topped with fresh pink & white lilies. Lilies' size make the cake look small & unique entirely.

Golden Cake

Photo by bakingarts.
3 tiers cake wrapped in edible white chocolate. The cake decorated with edible white chocolate ribbons, bows and flowers with gold lustre dust painted to create a lustrous sheen on it.

Champagne Cake

Photo by Herbert Harper.
Pink Champagne cake on top and bottom with red velvet cake in the middle tier. Looks great with red roses as topper.

Elegant White Tower Cake

Photo by Manassas Cakery.
Simple and straight up cake. Pearled on every bottom of each cake. Wite calla lilies and its green stem used to dress up the cake.

Wedding Cake Dessert

Photo by Whistler Pastry Chef - Rosalind MacLean.
Combining fruits & cake can be a better choice to make an affordable dessert. A cheap & simple wedding cake covered by fruity fillings is the easiest way to make it. The fruit fillings can contain grapes, raspberries, etc.

Colorful Gift Shaped Cake

Photo by Wild Cakes.
An edible sugar gifts, tied with sugar ribbons, and colored with cheerful colors change a wedding from tasteless to a happy smile celebration.

White Beauty

Photo by Generation X-Ray.
A beautiful wedding cake with white color (some people might say that white is not a color). Fondant ribbon is good for a cake as it is edible. To make the fondant ribbon looks real, you can also cover the ribbons using silver Lustre Dust.


Real Name: William Arthur Philip Louis Spencer Mountbatten-Windsor
Known Simply as: Prince William of Wales
Formal name in school: HRH Prince William
Name used professionally: William Wales
Future Regnal name: William V
Birthdate: June 21, 1982
Birthplace: St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 6’4
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Status: Single
Religion: Anglican
Nationality: British

Known Facts: He is left-handed. He has several nicknames, including Wombat, Dreamboat Willy, and Wills. A sports enthusiast, he excelled both in Polo and swimming. He loves ice skiing and Tennis. He is an avid football fan.

Nursery 1: Mrs. Mynors Nursery School 1985-1987 Notinghill Gate, London
Nursery 2: Wetherby School 1987-1990 Notinghill Gate, London
Pre-prep: Ludgrove School 1990-1995 Berkshire, England
Prep : Eton College 1995-2000 Berkshire, England
College : St. Andrews University 2001-2005 Fife, St. Andrew, Scotland Course: AB Geography -w/upper-class honors (where he was awarded with a Scottish Master of Arts degree).

Father: Charles Arthur Philip George Mountbatten-Windsor(HRH Prince Charles)
Birthdate: November 20, 1948 (Buckingham Palace, London)
Occupation: Prince of Wales, Heir to the British Throne
Mother: Diana Frances Burke-Roche Spencer (Diana, Princess of Wales)
Birthdate: July 1, 1961 (Park House, Sandringham)
Date Died: August 31, 1997 (Paris, France)
Sibling: Henry Charles Albert David also known as HRH Prince Harry
Paternal Grandparents: HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh(formerly Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark) and Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
Maternal Grandparents: His Lordship Edward John Spencer, the 8th Earl of Althorp (died: 1992)
The Honorable Mrs. Frances Shand-Kydd (a Baron's daughter/died: 2004)


He was born on June 21, 1982 at 9:03 pm, St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London and weighed 7.5 pounds. The Queen’s troop, the Royal Horse Artillery, rode in a full dress uniform from their barracks to Hyde Park near Windsor and fired a 41-gun salute to honor the birth of the Future King. The Honorable Artillery Company fired the same number of salvoes in the Tower of London and the church bells from the historical Westminster Abbey, St. Paul Cathedral and Windsor Castle pealed simultaneously from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.

For several days after his birth he was known simply as Baby Wales because his parents could not agree what would be his name. As second in line to the British throne his name should be in accordance with the royal tradition of the monarch’s regnal name. His father wanted to name him Arthur, but his mother lobbied for William in honor of William the Conqueror. Eventually they settled for William Arthur Philip Louis. His second name is in honor of the legendary British King, Arthur. Philip is in honor of his paternal grandfather Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and Louis is for his great-great uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was the favorite uncle of Prince Charles.

William’s birth brought a steadier position of the British monarchy in world history, because being a boy means his birthright is secure in the line of succession and a continuation of the House of Windsor. The infant Prince, who still did not know how his birth brought hope and joy for his country, won many admirers right away, within 24 hours of his birth, his photograph, snapped by journalists and distributed worldwide, dominated newspapers and allowed the world to marvel at the cute baby who would one day be King of the United Kingdom. He was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the music room of Buckingham palace on August 4, 1982 on the occasion of the 82nd birthday of the Queen Mother. His godparents included: Lord Romsey (Lord Mountbatten’s grandson), King Constantine II of Greece (Charles’ second cousin), Sir Lauren Van Post, a South African writer and Charles’ best friend, Princess Alexandra of Kent (the Queen’s cousin), Lady Susan Hussey (Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen) and The Duchess of Westminster (wife of Lord Gerald Grosvenor, the 6th Duke of Westminster-the richest aristocrat in Britain).

His father is the current Prince of Wales, Charles, heir to the British throne and his mother was the late Diana, Princess of Wales. William has a younger brother Prince Harry. His maternal grandfather, the late Earl Spencer of Althorp, was a direct descendant of both the Duke of Grafton and the Duke of Richmond, two illegitimate sons of King Charles II of Britain. If he would be King, William will be the first monarch since Queen Anne to descend from King Charles I, the second of the Stuarts monarch of Britain. His true family name is neither Windsor nor Mountbatten. His paternal grandfather’s family name is Glucksburg-Oldenburg, a dynastic name of the Royal House of Denmark where Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh descended. In 1946 Philip was obliged to change his identity to be more acceptable to the British public for his marriage to the heiress of the British throne, the then Princess Elizabeth. As a Royal Prince, Philip, did not have a surname, like other royalty he was known simply as Prince Philip of Greece. He took the name Mountbatten (the Anglicized version of Battenberg), his maternal grandfather’s surname after he renounced his Greek royal title. On the other hand, Windsor is the name creation of William's ancestor King George V's royal house in 1917. George V was the grandson of Queen Victoria from the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha whose real family name is Wettin.

Prince William made history as the first infant heir to be included in an official Royal tour, when in 1983, he accompanied his parents to an extended tour in Australia and New Zealand. Reports had it that his young mother, the Princess of Wales, refused to go if the infant heir will be left behind, so the Queen ruled to bring the baby with them. He was the first future king of Britain also to study a nursery school like a commoner. His mother fought hard with palace rules to educate her sons outside Palace walls to meet children outside royalty. Diana continued breaking royal traditions by allowing William and Harry to go to some ordinary places like fast food chains and amusement park.

It is a known fact that William was extra close and very protective of his mother. It was reported that the young Prince was very upset every time he saw his mother crying, at one point after Diana’s blistering row with Prince Charles, she lacked herself in the bathroom for an hour, William rolled a tissue paper and slip it under the bathroom door with an emotional note “I don’t want to see you crying”. After the publication of Andrew Morton's book “Diana, Her true story”, everybody in the royal circle blamed Diana for cooperating with the author, expressing their disgust toward the Princess, the royal family bluntly called her "a traitor" for breaking the "code of silence of royalty". She was put in the bad light that she became emotional and depressed . Prince William once again rushed to her side and gave her a box of chocolates with a tender note"This can make you happy, I know you’ve been hurt”. In 1996 when the divorce of the Waleses became final, Diana was stripped of HRH status, the humiliation of being yanked from the royal pedestal was very painful to Diana, she retired to Kensington palace after the sad announcement and cried, William hugged her and said “I will give back the HRH style to you when I become King”, a promise that made Diana tearful even more.

After the divorce, William and Harry lived with their mother at Kensington Palace but continue splitting their time with both parents. They spent their school break at Balmoral Castle and Highgrove estate with their father. In July 1997 the two Princes spent holidays in the Greek isle with Diana aboard the luxury yacht owned by the Al-Fayeds and returned to London without their mother to join Prince Charles and the rest of the royal family at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. On the early morning of August 31, 1997, they received the devastating news about their mother’s death in a car accident.

No one exactly knew the real feelings of the two young princes, especially William, as they were both protected by the Palace officials. Nobody allowed interviewing them during their grief, but when the day of the funeral broadcasted worldwide, it was easy to predict how they felt toward their mother’s sudden demise. They walked with the funeral cortege along side their father Prince Charles, their grandfather Prince Philip and their maternal uncle, the 9th Earl Spencer from St. James Palace all the way to Westminster Abbey. Visibly seen beside the wreath of flowers on Diana's coffin was a white envelope simply labelled "Mummy" from Prince William's handwriting. William bowed his head as he walked slowly to the altar. People remembered how eager Diana wanted to see him King.

In January 2006 he started his military training at the Elite Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, England joining his younger brother Prince Harry. In 2007 he started serving as Cornet (a new and junior officer-usually the third and lowest grade of commissioned officer in the British Cavalry Troop) in the Blues and Royals regiment of the British Army’s Household Cavalry. Within his regiment he is known as Cornet William Wales. As of 2008 he is enrolled in the pilot training program of the Royal Air force Cranwell where he is referred to as “Flying Officer William Wales”. He is the current President of the Football Association in Britain and patron to many charities left by his mother.

Prior to his mother’s 10th death anniversary, he was interviewed by a BBC journalist together with his brother Harry. It was on that interview that the two royal princes expressed their feelings toward the loss of their mother at an age where they needed her most. Prince Harry, who was barely 13 years old when the accident took place at downtown Paris, confided how he remembered his mother’s beauty and compassion, how she giggled when they arrived from school and how they missed her presence. In his tributes at the church ceremony he called Diana as “simply the best mother in the world” with a choking voice. Prince William told the BBC reporter that “not a day goes passed without thinking about her” he added that he and Harry “missed her terribly because she was a massive example to us both, her compassion, her kindness”.

The two sons tried their best to protect the memory of their mother, in 2005, some newspapers in Europe published the photos of the dying Princess. They were both upset and sued the publication. The photos of their mother inside the wreck of the car, grasping her breath reopened old wounds and sad memories at the loss of a parent who was extra special and dear to them, seeing the pictures once again in the tabloids caused them much pain. William then went on saying: ”Our mother protected us to the best she could be when she was still alive, the least we can do now is to protect her memory”. As always as protective as he was when Diana was still around, the future British King, declared he would keep his mother’s legacy alive.

Romantic Cake

Photo by Clear Inner Vision

This cake can be your choice to create a fun romantic wedding day. Romantic nuance can be achieve by adding heart shape, flower, red roses, & red ribbon. The color red can bring passion and love to your wedding day easily if you can arrange it.

Virtuous Cake

Photo by boscobridalexpos

The cake is look virtuous with pure white entirely & white ribbon flower as topper.


The British monarchy is one of the most unique establishments in the world and one of the most complex, aside from being conservative, the "Firm"(royal family's term of the monarchy) strongly maintained their rules of succession not to include Roman Catholics and illegitimates (even though they are legitimized through their parents' marriage) in the line of succession. A Roman Catholic is impossible to rule United Kingdom because a British monarch would eventually become a supreme head of the Church of England which is a protestant church. The last Roman Catholic sovereign of England was King James II, younger brother and successor of Charles II and the father of Queen Mary II and Queen Anne.

Prince Michael of Kent (youngest child of Prince George of Kent and Princess Marina of Greece) voluntarily gave up his place in the line of succession in 1978 when he choose to marry Baroness Marie Christine Von Rebneitz, a German aristocrat Roman Catholic. His children, Lord Frederick and Lady Gabriella remained in the line of succession because they are in communion with the Church of England. Prince Michael's nephews Lord Nicholas and Lord George (children of the Duke of Kent, Prince Edward--older brother of Prince Michael) are also removed from the listing when they took Roman Catholic spouses. In 1999 Prince Ernest of Hanover who was 397th in the line of succession was also excluded when he married the Catholic Hereditary Princess of Monaco, Princess Caroline, but their only child, Princess Alexandra, retained her place in the succession  because she was raised a protestant.

Prince William's cousin Peter Phillips, eldest child of the Princess Royal, faced the same dilemma in 2008 when he announced his engagement to a Canadian Born, Roman Catholic Autumn Kelly. Much to the relief of the royal family, Autumn decided to convert to Anglican religion, days before their wedding day, if she did not, Peter would lose his place in the line of succession, currently, he is listed as the 11th successor of his grandmother.

LINE OF SUCCESSION (first 19 successors - direct descendants of King George VI)

1. Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales - eldest son of the Queen
2. Prince William of Wales - eldest son of the Prince of Wales
3. Prince Harry of Wales - youngest son of the Prince of Wales
4. Prince Andrew, the Duke of York - second son of the Queen
5. Princess Beatrice of York - eldest daughter of the Duke of York
6. Princess Eugenie of York - youngest daughter of the Duke of York
7. Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex - youngest son of the Queen
8. The Lord James, Viscount Severn - son of the Earl of Wessex
9. The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor - daughter of the Earl of Wessex
10. Princess Anne, the Princess Royal - only daughter of the Queen
11. Mr. Peter Phllips - son of the Princess Royal

12. Savannah Phillips - daughter of Peter Phillips
13. Miss Zara Phillips - daughter of the Princess Royal
14. Viscount Linley - son of Princess Margaret (the only sibling of the Queen)
15. The Honourable Charles Armstrong-Jones - son of Viscount Linley
16. The Honourable Margarita Armstrong-Jones - daughter of Viscount Linley
17. Lady Sarah Chatto - daughter of Princess Margaret
18. Master Samuel Chatto - son of Lady Sarah
19. Master Arthur Chatto - son of Lady Sarah

Roman Catholics, through the Act of  Settlements established during the reign of Queen Anne, are barred from succeeding the throne because a British monarch would automatically become the Supreme Head of the Church of England which is a protestant church. Act of Settlements emphasized that "only the protestant descendants of Princess Sophia of Hanover could possibly succeed the British throne", Princess Sophia was the granddaughter of King James I who married the Prince of Hanover. The Act of Settlement was established to prevent the Catholic descendants of King James II from claiming the throne.

Among the current European crown heads, only King Harald V and his descendants, King Carls XVI Gustav and his descendants, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and her descendants, remained in the line of succession to the British throne. King Juan Carlos and his wife Queen Sophia, their descendants, King Albert II of Belgium and his descendants and Grand Duke Henri and his descendants are all removed from the line of succession for being Roman Catholics. These European monarchs and Queen Sophia of Spain are all descendants of Queen Victoria of England.

Sailing Boat Cake

Photo via abbietabbie

It used sugar to make 3D sailing boat on topper. The owner said that the boat motifs was took from the wedding invitations.

Buttercream Artistry

Cake by Apuch.

This simple 5 layered cake is looks artistic with black swirls & orange flowers patterns piped in buttercream.

Orange Chocolate Cake

Wedding cake pictures by Alice 74.

A yummy dark chocolate cake made with chocolate orange ganache filling for the top and bottom tiers. And, vanilla with raspberry filling is used for the middle tier. Royal icing were piped in plant shape.


The late Princess of Wales, Diana was born The Honourable Diana Frances Spencer on July 1, 1961 at Sandringam royal estate, Norfolk, England. Diana descended from a remarkable British noble family, her father was Edward John Spencer who became the 8th Earl of Althorp in 1975, her mother was The Honourable Frances Burke-Roche, daughter of the 4th Lord Fermoy. She has two sisters, Lady Sarah and Lady Jane and one brother, Charles Maurice, her father's heir.

Lady Diana Spencer attended an exclusive boarding school for girls, first at Riddlesworth then at Weath school. At the age of sixteen she dropped out from school so her father sent her to Switzerland and studied social and cultural subjects at the finishing school for girls but three months later, due to homesickness, she badgered her father to let her return home. She attended dance class and cookery courses in London and at the age of 18 was permitted by her parents to buy her own flat at Coleherne Court near Harrods. She worked at the All England Kindergarten School in Pimlico district.

In July 1980 she had a close encounter with the Prince of Wales in the house party by their common friends, Prince Charles, who had known Diana since 1977, noticed how much she had blossomed into a beautiful woman. Soon secret dates followed until they'll discovered by the press at the River dee in Scotland, the privacy of Lady Diana was effectively over since then.

Their official engagement was announced by the palace on February 1981. Diana left Coleherne Court and moved to Clarence House, few months before the royal wedding she moved to Buckingham Palace to get familiarize with the royal routine. The wedding of the century took place on July 29, 1981 at St.Paul Cathedral, London with more than 700 million viewers worldwide. She gave birth to her eldest son, Prince William on June 21, 1982, her second son, Prince Harry, followed two years later on September 25, 1984.

The Princess of Wales became the most beloved figure in the Kingdom next to the Queen Mother, people were mesmerized with her beauty, compassion and unique kindness. She radiated wherever she goes, she revolutionized her role by establishing many charities, she actively participated in different humanitarian crusade, most notably, the campaign against land mine in Africa. She became the most photographed and the most glamorous woman in the world.

She was a hands-on mother who personally collected her sons in school, she took them to extravagant vacations and made them her number one priority. Due to differences, she and Prince Charles separated in 1992 and divorced four years later. She remained a member of the British royal family because she was the mother of the future King.

In August 31, 1997, the car she was riding was slammed on the 13th pillar of Pont d'Alma tunnel in Paris, France after her driver avoided a throng of paparazzi. She died through massive internal injuries. He body was taken by Prince Charles to England and was draped in royal standard. She buried in Althorp, her family estate.

Chocolate Maltesers Cake

Wedding cake pictures by ylind ypind.

3 tier chocolate cake compiled by white & brown maltesers (a spherical malt honeycomb coated in chocolate).

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